The Multiverse World-Tree is a potent Shamanic symbol of most ancient focus, which had been appropriated for the patriarchal Cabbala; one has Yggdrassill & Irminsul as well as Voodoo Peristyle, all of which can be fused together upon whose spinal trunk one can thence ‘Hang’ into Trance & when to do so of Conscious Dreaming, Lucid of Quantum Awareness one assumes an alternate persona guise of Mask about whom a Dakini is entwined of Sexual communion.
Is this Evil? Many a clique would have you believe it be so for they have invested much of their effort to uphold their respective Traditions, which are by & large Patriarchal of orientation interwoven with Politics focusing upon the Middle-East; such Cliques would have one believe that their intellectual Rebels of so called Magickal, Esoteric & Occult prowess have overturned the tables & in turn brought about great advances in evolving the paradigm of Consciousness, but when one looks more carefully at their claims one just finds the same old story clothed anew of continuing focus.
They are lying & all are liars to their own selves & easy to do for they be brainwashed & hence (EPA) chained by their indoctrinated beliefs, which informs their politics, whose foundation is that of Fear of being found out & the real reasoning behind why they say such investigations are Evil for they thrive upon their Ignorance to make one Ignorant so that can continue on pontificating as Priests whom are in fact nothing more than mere Sheep of herd mind.
If they had been True Rebels wouldn’t they have not Reversed the Goetia for example of Left-Hand path to perceive the divine Feminine; but in order to do so they would have had to humble themselves before others whom still remember their Elder ways of Balance whereby thence to Heal; but alas they did not hence showing clearly that they were all & still are (EPA) chained, fearing their own Shadows let alone full of arrogance fooling themselves as well as everybody else while to make a buck out of their books spewing the same old bilge ringed around by their blind admirers whom are led by the blind over a cliff; perhaps it may be best that they all stay as Lemmings but by calling them such it gives Lemmings a bad name & Sheep of animal be far more intelligent in comparison for in their collective focus they empower the Brainwash to continue, which is manifesting an Orwellian reality of a Patriarchal All Father Big-Brother whose overall orientation is Fascist & always was the case of Religious & Political paradigm, which informs the so called Western Occult Tradition to go much further (EPA) binding all.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Five tufts of Hair becoming as ‘Four’ directions & elements of ‘Fifth’ Quintessence like that of the Four Dakini’s with Tara at their centre or that of Maya whom unveils her seven veils revealing her naked truth to her Buddha whose Five senses are transmuted beyond the mundane. The Patriarchal orientated Goetia can be totally reversed so as to heal a ripping wound of psyche by transforming all its macho Demons into Dakini Priestesses for the Dakini’s have a metaphysic system of in depth philosophy, which informs them & far superior to that of the Western tradition whose intellectual & spiritual investigation of the Magickal arts is severely lacking of practicality let alone that of being totally out of balance due to its Patriarchal emphasis.
This can be taken much further by transforming certain Sexual icons of Fetish into Spiritual aids whereby one can of internal Alchemical process transmute their initial crude meaning otherwise in regards to the Feminine for in the main the Fetish surrounds her whose power is her Sexuality both dark & light. A Dakini is no different to a Valkyrie, both one & the same, however the Dakini still keeps her spiritual power while the Valkyrie of symbol has lost hers, but when unified the two do merge of fusion; their skins then can represent many Races, Cultures & Times to inform one about as Knowledge & Wisdom holders whose Harem of abode is ones Subconscious Mind.
The Masculine principle is not lost in this process for as a Male practitioner one assumes different masks of Buddha’s just as Odin/Woden was said to have many guises & each guise is empowered by a Valkyrie for in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition each Buddha is often depicted in sexual congress with his respective Dakini who is his Muse of Shakti. One can take this fusion much further into the Modern of unfettered Imagination yet the integral structure, which to hold it all is ancient.
This can be taken much further by transforming certain Sexual icons of Fetish into Spiritual aids whereby one can of internal Alchemical process transmute their initial crude meaning otherwise in regards to the Feminine for in the main the Fetish surrounds her whose power is her Sexuality both dark & light. A Dakini is no different to a Valkyrie, both one & the same, however the Dakini still keeps her spiritual power while the Valkyrie of symbol has lost hers, but when unified the two do merge of fusion; their skins then can represent many Races, Cultures & Times to inform one about as Knowledge & Wisdom holders whose Harem of abode is ones Subconscious Mind.
The Masculine principle is not lost in this process for as a Male practitioner one assumes different masks of Buddha’s just as Odin/Woden was said to have many guises & each guise is empowered by a Valkyrie for in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition each Buddha is often depicted in sexual congress with his respective Dakini who is his Muse of Shakti. One can take this fusion much further into the Modern of unfettered Imagination yet the integral structure, which to hold it all is ancient.
"nea onnim nsaa oto n'ago," - "He who does not know authentic Nsaa will buy the fakes." Myths generate Elemental Emotional responses of ‘Four’ primary types of ‘Charge’ whose ‘Fifth’ of central point is that of 'Woven' Synthesis. Conspiracy theories are many of Myth making, which rubs shoulders with the Mythology of the UFO, both of which are Modern of phenomenon; however, when one looks more deeply one to find that such Myths by & large have their dualistic foundations within Judaeo Christianity. The primary hotbed of this Mythic activity stems from out of America , which is primarily Media driven of society of highly polished propaganda machine. One can find many a Video professionally or amateur made covering numerous Conspiracy scenarios & all in the main concern America whereby indicating how American culture & that of its Charged Myths has affected the Four Emotional responses of the Collective psyche, which thence weaves a Synthesis of the material given unto it woven around America of Fifth central point of axis, like that of Pavlov’s Dog going around in circles tethered to a lamp-post.
America is largely a Christian country of Fundamentalist Right-Wing-Christian leanings whose emotive charge is Evangelical of saving the world from its self via its Romano Imperialistic power spreading its own ideas of Judaeo-Christian Democracy. America is not a country unto its self individualistic for it has in essence unified with Israel of almost singular organism due to its Religious fixation upon the Middle-East of perceived Holy Land . The collective persona of America can be visualised as Christ Crucified between Muhammad & Moses & all three nailed upon Crosses planted atop of Abraham’s Ziggurat of UR in Iraq , whereupon one has an Illuminati Triad of Thesis, Antithesis & Synthesis, which sustains its self of Viral-Meme via perpetual Conflict.
One has probably observed when looking back at examples through history that the mass populace often take on the persona of a (NEA OPE SE OBEDI HENE) charismatic (King) Leader but such leaders are often than not puppets for the real rulers behind the scenes, whose outlook of Religious & Political indoctrination hasn’t yet crawled out of the Bronze-Age whereby one can determine the orientation of the hidden Rulers by looking at how their flock has been herded to focus upon certain symbolic stimuli of Mythic focus, which hasn’t really changed at all over 2000yrs when Rome’s Empire was very much at the fore of world events.
Ancient Rome learnt much from the Greeks in regards to developing their Political Philosophy & that of techniques in controlling its populace especially through the tool of Theatre so as to disseminate their propaganda; however, Rome’s leaders took propaganda to new heights & the reasoning behind so much investment in constructing their Arena of Coliseum for it was via entertainment that Rome’s leaders subversively communicated their ideas or to misinform the Plebeian mob without whose backing they had no power. Later it was that of the Church, which became the place of Mythic indoctrination; one now has the public Arena of TV set in nearly every home weaving many a Myth evoking carefully crafted Emotional responses, which to thence spread across internet & those who read have many a colourful book to trowel through communicating about worldwide Illuminati Conspiracies ushering in Satan’s Luciferian hordes, Angelic Aliens & their back-engineered Alien technology, Demonic Reptilian Nazi UFO’s & genetic hybrids, the return of the Annunuki from planet X etc, etc; but all of these Myths are designed to mask the truth, which propagate themselves of Meme, which hides the Triad atop of Abraham’s UR Ziggurat whom seek their own version of a New-World-Order before peak Oil hits around 2010-2015 hence that of the engineered fixation upon the key-time of 2012 woven Myth, which evokes elemental Emotional responses from many a tethered Pavlov Dog.
Take Care
America is largely a Christian country of Fundamentalist Right-Wing-Christian leanings whose emotive charge is Evangelical of saving the world from its self via its Romano Imperialistic power spreading its own ideas of Judaeo-Christian Democracy. America is not a country unto its self individualistic for it has in essence unified with Israel of almost singular organism due to its Religious fixation upon the Middle-East of perceived Holy Land . The collective persona of America can be visualised as Christ Crucified between Muhammad & Moses & all three nailed upon Crosses planted atop of Abraham’s Ziggurat of UR in Iraq , whereupon one has an Illuminati Triad of Thesis, Antithesis & Synthesis, which sustains its self of Viral-Meme via perpetual Conflict.
One has probably observed when looking back at examples through history that the mass populace often take on the persona of a (NEA OPE SE OBEDI HENE) charismatic (King) Leader but such leaders are often than not puppets for the real rulers behind the scenes, whose outlook of Religious & Political indoctrination hasn’t yet crawled out of the Bronze-Age whereby one can determine the orientation of the hidden Rulers by looking at how their flock has been herded to focus upon certain symbolic stimuli of Mythic focus, which hasn’t really changed at all over 2000yrs when Rome’s Empire was very much at the fore of world events.
Ancient Rome learnt much from the Greeks in regards to developing their Political Philosophy & that of techniques in controlling its populace especially through the tool of Theatre so as to disseminate their propaganda; however, Rome’s leaders took propaganda to new heights & the reasoning behind so much investment in constructing their Arena of Coliseum for it was via entertainment that Rome’s leaders subversively communicated their ideas or to misinform the Plebeian mob without whose backing they had no power. Later it was that of the Church, which became the place of Mythic indoctrination; one now has the public Arena of TV set in nearly every home weaving many a Myth evoking carefully crafted Emotional responses, which to thence spread across internet & those who read have many a colourful book to trowel through communicating about worldwide Illuminati Conspiracies ushering in Satan’s Luciferian hordes, Angelic Aliens & their back-engineered Alien technology, Demonic Reptilian Nazi UFO’s & genetic hybrids, the return of the Annunuki from planet X etc, etc; but all of these Myths are designed to mask the truth, which propagate themselves of Meme, which hides the Triad atop of Abraham’s UR Ziggurat whom seek their own version of a New-World-Order before peak Oil hits around 2010-2015 hence that of the engineered fixation upon the key-time of 2012 woven Myth, which evokes elemental Emotional responses from many a tethered Pavlov Dog.
Take Care
"He who wants to be King," from the expression "Nea ope se obedi hene daakye no, firi ase sue som ansa" - "He who wants to be king in the Future must first learn to Serve;"
Many a scholar has studied Adolf Hitler’s rapid rise to power & what he had achieved in a short span of time; numerous case studies & psychological profiles have been drawn up & sweated over by Psychologists, Social engineers & Political scientists in order to determine Hitler’s affect upon the mass populace. Some to say if Hitler had not indulged in his Racialist mystique, which caused the Holocaust then he could have taken over the World; however, the Racialist perspective was shared by many along with Eugenics, especially in America at the time of Hitler’s ascendancy. Psychologists are very much aware of the ‘Cult of Personality’, which Hitler utilised to great affect & that of a potent Mind-Control tool especially within a Media driven country like America . Hitler was aware that he had to persuade the younger generation to follow his Ideology for they would eventually become his Stormtroopers.
Hitler was able to persuade the parents to allow their Children to become enticed into Youth Brigades because of the prior Mind-Set, which had already been established, for Germany had endured a ‘Crisis’ whose peoples sought a Leader to lead them out of their perceived darkness; in essence Hitler fed off the peoples need for a Messianic figurehead, which they had already been indoctrinated with of Religious orientation spanning 2000yrs of Brainwash.
America is the largest Christian country in the world of Right-Wing-Fundamentalist-Christian leanings, which came to the fore after the assassination of President Kennedy, which led to President Truman coming to power. Kennedy was perceived to be a tool of Rome due to his Catholic upbringing, which angered the Right-Wing-Christians while Kennedy’s stance in regards to halting the proliferation of Atomic weapons stood in the way of Israel’s plans to have their own weapons of Mass Destruction; after Kennedy’s assassination the Right-Wing-Christians came into influence of NEOCON rule while Israel was given carte blanche in developing their nuclear weapons capability. However, the King one perceives is but a puppet of those hidden within shadow pulling the strings. Hitler initially utilised the Communists as scapegoats in order to direct public unrest away from his political agenda, which invariably led to other perceived undesirables such as Gypsies, Homosexuals, the mentally ill & those who were perceived to be suffering from genetic illnesses, which was then topped off with the Jews becoming the next victims in line. The present situation one has Islamic extremists & that of illegal Immigrants being blamed for the fragmentation of Society let alone others of hit list.
Those whom seek ultimate power have investigated ways & means to achieve such an end so as to have total Control over the mass populace whereby to thence utilise the tools of ever advancing Science in order attain their goal. The Mind-Control tool of Religion only goes so far in curtailing the Intelligence quota of the public by stifling their intellect within a Bronze Age paradigm of prison, which is also utilised as a means to keep the population levels down.
The utilisation of chemical agents in order to stem intelligence amidst the populace & that of their reproductive ability will invariably backfire, which could lead to a furtherance of Genetic erosion taking place; for example Geneticists have observed that the ‘Y’ Chromosome is being affected, which is losing genes at an amazing rate. However, those behind the scenes of Elite consider that there be far too many people in the world whereby such has to be decreased, which invariably means orchestrated Wars being generated in league with their Imperialistic goals.
A King one to perceive seated within his throne under the spotlight of the Media has been orchestrated to steer ones attention away from those whom pull the puppet strings of their puppet King.
One to hope it is otherwise true but alas when to look one to find that what one has been shown be but a façade of woven illusion hiding a darker truth, whereby to thence realise that the Emperor has no clothes on & he be but a puppet.
Many a scholar has studied Adolf Hitler’s rapid rise to power & what he had achieved in a short span of time; numerous case studies & psychological profiles have been drawn up & sweated over by Psychologists, Social engineers & Political scientists in order to determine Hitler’s affect upon the mass populace. Some to say if Hitler had not indulged in his Racialist mystique, which caused the Holocaust then he could have taken over the World; however, the Racialist perspective was shared by many along with Eugenics, especially in America at the time of Hitler’s ascendancy. Psychologists are very much aware of the ‘Cult of Personality’, which Hitler utilised to great affect & that of a potent Mind-Control tool especially within a Media driven country like America . Hitler was aware that he had to persuade the younger generation to follow his Ideology for they would eventually become his Stormtroopers.
Hitler was able to persuade the parents to allow their Children to become enticed into Youth Brigades because of the prior Mind-Set, which had already been established, for Germany had endured a ‘Crisis’ whose peoples sought a Leader to lead them out of their perceived darkness; in essence Hitler fed off the peoples need for a Messianic figurehead, which they had already been indoctrinated with of Religious orientation spanning 2000yrs of Brainwash.
America is the largest Christian country in the world of Right-Wing-Fundamentalist-Christian leanings, which came to the fore after the assassination of President Kennedy, which led to President Truman coming to power. Kennedy was perceived to be a tool of Rome due to his Catholic upbringing, which angered the Right-Wing-Christians while Kennedy’s stance in regards to halting the proliferation of Atomic weapons stood in the way of Israel’s plans to have their own weapons of Mass Destruction; after Kennedy’s assassination the Right-Wing-Christians came into influence of NEOCON rule while Israel was given carte blanche in developing their nuclear weapons capability. However, the King one perceives is but a puppet of those hidden within shadow pulling the strings. Hitler initially utilised the Communists as scapegoats in order to direct public unrest away from his political agenda, which invariably led to other perceived undesirables such as Gypsies, Homosexuals, the mentally ill & those who were perceived to be suffering from genetic illnesses, which was then topped off with the Jews becoming the next victims in line. The present situation one has Islamic extremists & that of illegal Immigrants being blamed for the fragmentation of Society let alone others of hit list.
Those whom seek ultimate power have investigated ways & means to achieve such an end so as to have total Control over the mass populace whereby to thence utilise the tools of ever advancing Science in order attain their goal. The Mind-Control tool of Religion only goes so far in curtailing the Intelligence quota of the public by stifling their intellect within a Bronze Age paradigm of prison, which is also utilised as a means to keep the population levels down.
The utilisation of chemical agents in order to stem intelligence amidst the populace & that of their reproductive ability will invariably backfire, which could lead to a furtherance of Genetic erosion taking place; for example Geneticists have observed that the ‘Y’ Chromosome is being affected, which is losing genes at an amazing rate. However, those behind the scenes of Elite consider that there be far too many people in the world whereby such has to be decreased, which invariably means orchestrated Wars being generated in league with their Imperialistic goals.
A King one to perceive seated within his throne under the spotlight of the Media has been orchestrated to steer ones attention away from those whom pull the puppet strings of their puppet King.
One to hope it is otherwise true but alas when to look one to find that what one has been shown be but a façade of woven illusion hiding a darker truth, whereby to thence realise that the Emperor has no clothes on & he be but a puppet.
Anthropologists couldn’t quite get their head around certain Cave Paintings, which featured Grid-Like patterns that they found in profusion in Southern Africa where the Kalahari Bushman are situated as well as far a field in other places such as the cave systems in the South of France, Siberia & the Americas. The Anthropologists only came to an understanding when they eventually looked into the neural mechanisms of Trance & that of Hallucinogenic induced visionary states where they found that the initial stages of Trance involves perceiving Grid like patterns via which visionary experiences start to formulate.
Those who are more adept at Trance can then determine what kinds of (NKYIMU) visions to perceive such as tuning into Precognitive information. One can utilise the Cybernetics term of ‘Snapping to the Grid’ in regards to the visionary experiences one has for one will find that when one has Lucid Dreams such can be equated to Virtual Reality Computer simulations; whereby of imaginative conjecture if one has a Far flung Future civilisation, which has the technology of Time-Travel, although such would not necessarily require physically Travelling Back into Time for they can send a ‘Charged’ Signal backwards into the Past in order to affect the Neural-net of an individual in order to ‘Spin’ their Electron Dreams so as to communicate with.
The individual in the Past whose Electron Dreams have been 'Spun' of Vision by ones 'Charged' Signal may just perceive one of Time-Traveller as being one of their deities or that of some Angelic messenger for one would have to utilise the mythic dialogue of a given time, for one would not be able to reveal the truth for they would not be able to conceptually grasp ones true origin nor would such revelations be allowed.
The initial Time-Travel experiments will be conducted to see if such will have knock on affects in ones Present by manipulating Past events by influencing Certain key Individuals at historical Locales such as, say for example, Abraham of UR, however it will mainly generate Alternate Splinter Realities but these Alternates do Cross-over at recurring Key-Times whereby generating Self-Enclosed-Time-Loops.
The actual Time-Travel technology will be based upon the natural mechanisms of Consciousness for Time & Consciousness are one & the same of (NYANSAPO) Lemniscate knot; however the Scientists will then make the shocking discovery that they had Created their own Selves in the Observing whereby Creating their own Reality of MEASUREMENT whose constant is the Speed of Light, but when the Big-Bang (NYAME YE OHENE) happened, Light Travelled far faster, which is that of a Leap from one Parallel Universe into another. A Universe is in the form of Dodecahedron, which is made up of (NYANSAPO) Lemniscates whose mid-point can be symbolised as a Cube of Eight-Fold Space-Time, which ones Consciousness of Singular Eye rides as an Eight-Legged-Mare weaving ones woven (ANANSE NTONTAN) web of experiential Realty.
The Scientists will also discover that others have got there before them who do not necessarily emanate from out of the Future of Adept (Daemon) Ancestors while others Future born of (Angeloi) Descendants ruling over a galactic civilisation will be disentangling the knots that the Scientists seek to create who have the technology to physically travel into the far distant past in order to occupy & colonise Mars when it had an atmosphere as well as to set up bases upon the Moon, which they nudged into position let alone that of creating artificial moons like Iapetus or that of engineering Alternate Realities so as to leap into & back again whenever they desire; but then Time be rather strange of Ouroboros; there are also other forms of intelligence Inorganic, which exist between the angles of the present Scientists measurements. As for Aliens they are very Alien indeed while those encountered of Humanoid form will be found to be principally all Female of Back-Action Descendant influence from out of the Future manipulating an ‘X’ Chromosome to Split into a ‘Y’ Chromosome within the far distant Past!
Perhaps this be all mere conjecture, may be not, one has to ask a Hyperspace Void-Going Dakini to know for sure.
Those who are more adept at Trance can then determine what kinds of (NKYIMU) visions to perceive such as tuning into Precognitive information. One can utilise the Cybernetics term of ‘Snapping to the Grid’ in regards to the visionary experiences one has for one will find that when one has Lucid Dreams such can be equated to Virtual Reality Computer simulations; whereby of imaginative conjecture if one has a Far flung Future civilisation, which has the technology of Time-Travel, although such would not necessarily require physically Travelling Back into Time for they can send a ‘Charged’ Signal backwards into the Past in order to affect the Neural-net of an individual in order to ‘Spin’ their Electron Dreams so as to communicate with.
The individual in the Past whose Electron Dreams have been 'Spun' of Vision by ones 'Charged' Signal may just perceive one of Time-Traveller as being one of their deities or that of some Angelic messenger for one would have to utilise the mythic dialogue of a given time, for one would not be able to reveal the truth for they would not be able to conceptually grasp ones true origin nor would such revelations be allowed.
The initial Time-Travel experiments will be conducted to see if such will have knock on affects in ones Present by manipulating Past events by influencing Certain key Individuals at historical Locales such as, say for example, Abraham of UR, however it will mainly generate Alternate Splinter Realities but these Alternates do Cross-over at recurring Key-Times whereby generating Self-Enclosed-Time-Loops.
The actual Time-Travel technology will be based upon the natural mechanisms of Consciousness for Time & Consciousness are one & the same of (NYANSAPO) Lemniscate knot; however the Scientists will then make the shocking discovery that they had Created their own Selves in the Observing whereby Creating their own Reality of MEASUREMENT whose constant is the Speed of Light, but when the Big-Bang (NYAME YE OHENE) happened, Light Travelled far faster, which is that of a Leap from one Parallel Universe into another. A Universe is in the form of Dodecahedron, which is made up of (NYANSAPO) Lemniscates whose mid-point can be symbolised as a Cube of Eight-Fold Space-Time, which ones Consciousness of Singular Eye rides as an Eight-Legged-Mare weaving ones woven (ANANSE NTONTAN) web of experiential Realty.
The Scientists will also discover that others have got there before them who do not necessarily emanate from out of the Future of Adept (Daemon) Ancestors while others Future born of (Angeloi) Descendants ruling over a galactic civilisation will be disentangling the knots that the Scientists seek to create who have the technology to physically travel into the far distant past in order to occupy & colonise Mars when it had an atmosphere as well as to set up bases upon the Moon, which they nudged into position let alone that of creating artificial moons like Iapetus or that of engineering Alternate Realities so as to leap into & back again whenever they desire; but then Time be rather strange of Ouroboros; there are also other forms of intelligence Inorganic, which exist between the angles of the present Scientists measurements. As for Aliens they are very Alien indeed while those encountered of Humanoid form will be found to be principally all Female of Back-Action Descendant influence from out of the Future manipulating an ‘X’ Chromosome to Split into a ‘Y’ Chromosome within the far distant Past!
Perhaps this be all mere conjecture, may be not, one has to ask a Hyperspace Void-Going Dakini to know for sure.
The next Age is that of having Control over Time, but then ones Consciousness is indivisible from Time & it has already been determined that one is existing in a Multiverse of Parallel Universes in which exist Alternate Realities; such a finding thereby allows for Tim-Travel as well as for Paranormal phenomena such as Precognition, whereby those whose neural-nets are sensitive of genetic disposition (for example Nikola Tesla) can tune into a ‘Signal sent back from the Future;’ should a technology be developed in regards to Time-Travel, the first phase will involve sending a ‘Signal’ back through Time via a (GYE NYAME) Mini-Wormhole such as the one looked for at CERN of recent Mini-Big-Bang experimentation. (Note: Clockwise & Anti-Clockwise Spin of the Wormhole equates with the Clockwise & Anticlockwise Spin of the Swastika. GYE NYAME is Clockwise of Spin & that of Entry, while Anti-Clockwise is ones Exit!)
This isn’t too unbelievable since the University of Rochester put their initials of ‘UR’ on a Photon while another experiment, which was successful enabled the Teleportation of a particle from one place to another, whereby indicating that information can be encoded onto a particle for Communication purposes; there is indeed an experiment being conducted in regards to Time-Travel involving an array of lasers whose configuration looks like the (OWO FORO ADOBE) Serpentine DNA Helix; the DNA its self generates a Laser like light of Bio-Photon, whereby the Time-Machine, which is being experimented upon works very much like ones DNA ; however the Scientists communicate that such a device can only send a signal back to the time of the machines first creation, but it looks as if their device is based upon ones DNA hence said Time-Machine is in fact going to send a signal back along the Evolutionary strand of ones DNA of first Time-Machine, which connects one with all other Carbon-Based-Life-Forms to a Time when the (AKOKO NAN) ‘Mitochondria’ was a free swimming organism that swam amidst the primordial soup. A number of Geneticists have already noted that the Human Genome looks to be artificially engineered, whereby one could imaginatively conclude that we have created our own selves to later send a ‘Signal’ back through Time so as to affect a certain temporal location from where All Carbon-Based-Life-Forms first stemmed, which the Palaeontologists have recently determined is Siberia .
Dr Ronald Mallet is experimenting with a (MMERE DANE) Time machine whose Helix Laser is similar configuration to ones (OWO FORO ADOBE) DNA while the theoretical physicist Jack Sarfatti, who was the inspiration for the professor featured in the film ‘Back To The Future’ has come up with an equation which investigates ‘back-action’ of ones Past being generated from out of the Future of greater complexity; but as I pointed out to him the flow of Time is like that of a (NYANSAPO) Lemniscate whereby ones Past is indivisible from ones Future while ones Present is that of an Interference pattern between the two, Time is somewhat Ouroboros Circular not that of a Forward & Backwards straight Line.
The Measurement-Problem experiments conducted by the University of Rochester has determined that Reality is indeed illusory, which is funded by DARPA & in turn by the Military Industrial complex. However, this Reality is only one of many Alternate Worlds whereby one can Tune into other Maya-Realities.
This isn’t too unbelievable since the University of Rochester put their initials of ‘UR’ on a Photon while another experiment, which was successful enabled the Teleportation of a particle from one place to another, whereby indicating that information can be encoded onto a particle for Communication purposes; there is indeed an experiment being conducted in regards to Time-Travel involving an array of lasers whose configuration looks like the (OWO FORO ADOBE) Serpentine DNA Helix; the DNA its self generates a Laser like light of Bio-Photon, whereby the Time-Machine, which is being experimented upon works very much like ones DNA ; however the Scientists communicate that such a device can only send a signal back to the time of the machines first creation, but it looks as if their device is based upon ones DNA hence said Time-Machine is in fact going to send a signal back along the Evolutionary strand of ones DNA of first Time-Machine, which connects one with all other Carbon-Based-Life-Forms to a Time when the (AKOKO NAN) ‘Mitochondria’ was a free swimming organism that swam amidst the primordial soup. A number of Geneticists have already noted that the Human Genome looks to be artificially engineered, whereby one could imaginatively conclude that we have created our own selves to later send a ‘Signal’ back through Time so as to affect a certain temporal location from where All Carbon-Based-Life-Forms first stemmed, which the Palaeontologists have recently determined is Siberia .
Dr Ronald Mallet is experimenting with a (MMERE DANE) Time machine whose Helix Laser is similar configuration to ones (OWO FORO ADOBE) DNA while the theoretical physicist Jack Sarfatti, who was the inspiration for the professor featured in the film ‘Back To The Future’ has come up with an equation which investigates ‘back-action’ of ones Past being generated from out of the Future of greater complexity; but as I pointed out to him the flow of Time is like that of a (NYANSAPO) Lemniscate whereby ones Past is indivisible from ones Future while ones Present is that of an Interference pattern between the two, Time is somewhat Ouroboros Circular not that of a Forward & Backwards straight Line.
The Measurement-Problem experiments conducted by the University of Rochester has determined that Reality is indeed illusory, which is funded by DARPA & in turn by the Military Industrial complex. However, this Reality is only one of many Alternate Worlds whereby one can Tune into other Maya-Realities.
The Bronze-Age of the Bull gave birth to the Sword via which the early Empires were forged through Warfare. When to look back at more recent events of the Twentieth Century one to find radical Evolutionary leaps in Technology, which were instigated by War. The ‘Hydrocarbon-Age’ birthed Mechanised warfare, which led to the ‘Atomic-Age’ of first Atom bombs being dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, this then led to the ‘Space-Age’, which was not about Humanities Star Trek exploration of deep space but more to do with having dominance over it so as to have the edge over perceived enemies on Earth to spy upon with Spy-satellites as well as to avert intercontinental ballistic missiles with Star-Wars technology; but such only came about due to the ‘Information-Age’ of the computer, which allowed for more sophisticated weapon systems being developed as well as for artificial intelligence guiding smart bombs or that of developing genetically engineered biological weapons & the enhancement of propaganda mass-mind control via the electronic Media. The next Age that is upon us now is that of the ‘Mind-Age,’ for the weapons that have been developed have only one aim of ultimate goal, which is that of Control.
Science has already determined the different Electromagnetic-Frequencies, which affect ones Emotional states & hence that of ones very Mind; the technology, which can deliver such Non-Lethal weapon systems have already been developed.
Technology is advancing at an amazing rate but its primary development is usually that of being utilised for Militaristic purposes, which only much later filters down to the Civilian level; a Bronze Age Sword becomes as a knife used for cooking, a microwave weapon becomes as a microwave oven; Mind Control (EPA) involves an in depth understanding of the Brain such as its direct interaction with a vehicle of a plane to fly with ones Mind, let alone that of Controlling the Emotional states of the Mass-Populace via Electromagnetic Frequencies; such technologies will perhaps filter down to the Civilian level whence one will then have the ‘Cybernetic-Age,’ where ones interaction with the Internet will become that of one being immersed within a Virtual Reality, which was covered in such Science Fiction films such as Total Recall & the Matrix where ones Mind becomes one with the Machine of singular Cybernetic organism.
It has already been noted that the primitive Virtual Reality systems we presently have at our disposal induce Out-Of-Body-Experiences in their subjects; the Virtual Reality systems will become far more advanced when one has the ‘Quantum Computer’, which is in the process of being developed.
Science has already determined the different Electromagnetic-Frequencies, which affect ones Emotional states & hence that of ones very Mind; the technology, which can deliver such Non-Lethal weapon systems have already been developed.
Technology is advancing at an amazing rate but its primary development is usually that of being utilised for Militaristic purposes, which only much later filters down to the Civilian level; a Bronze Age Sword becomes as a knife used for cooking, a microwave weapon becomes as a microwave oven; Mind Control (EPA) involves an in depth understanding of the Brain such as its direct interaction with a vehicle of a plane to fly with ones Mind, let alone that of Controlling the Emotional states of the Mass-Populace via Electromagnetic Frequencies; such technologies will perhaps filter down to the Civilian level whence one will then have the ‘Cybernetic-Age,’ where ones interaction with the Internet will become that of one being immersed within a Virtual Reality, which was covered in such Science Fiction films such as Total Recall & the Matrix where ones Mind becomes one with the Machine of singular Cybernetic organism.
It has already been noted that the primitive Virtual Reality systems we presently have at our disposal induce Out-Of-Body-Experiences in their subjects; the Virtual Reality systems will become far more advanced when one has the ‘Quantum Computer’, which is in the process of being developed.
The Nigredo is an Alchemical term, which inaugurates the great work; it is the time of Death, but it isn’t the end but that of a beginning of a new cycle, which leads to the creation of the Philosophers Stone of Quintessence. When one looks back at Human history one will find that Humanity had not really changed that much since the first revolutions of moving forth from Hunting & Gathering to that of Agricultural settlements, which invariably led to the founding of urban civilisations & that of nation building; the greatest changes happened within two hundred years in the recent scheme of things but more so during the 20th century of Evolutionary leap; however, this Evolutionary transformation was brought about by War, which ushered in the Nigredo of an age whose agents utilised certain archetypal imagery of most telling underlying current.
Prior to their dark arrival the world was still very much in the grip of feudalism whether apparent or not, it was there clinging on throughout the Industrial revolution. The class-system of hierarchy clearly delineated those at the bottom of Working-Class from those at the top of Middle to Upper-Classes & those at the bottom whom were of the majority lived in dire circumstances who became slaves to the machine, while those above them benefited from their toil & labour.
It is usually seen that the Industrial Revolution started in Britain , which reached its apex during the reign of Queen Victoria under whose skirts the mass of humanity was forced into servitude & duly fed off by the aristocratic elite. If one was poor in Victorian Britain ones life was somewhat without value except as a mere cog in a machine of Empire building. There was growing unrest in Britain , throughout Europe & the Americas as well as elsewhere amidst the mass of the Working Classes who started to realise they were just slaves being ridden by their slave-drivers of Middle Class whom aspired to become the new Aristocracy of Upper-Class whereupon Communism came into being.
The growing popularity of Communist ideas put forth by Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto frightened the Middle Class & Aristocratic elites whom sought to stem its tide; this came very much to the fore when the combustion engine was invented, which ushered in the Hydrocarbon Age, whereupon the Industrial Middle Class & that of the Aristocratic elites sought to have ownership over the Oil fields of the Middle-East that led to the First-World War to erupt forth upon the world. The First World War saw the coming of mechanised warfare such as the Tank, Submarine & Aeroplane, which had never been contemplated as ever being achievable.
After the slaughter of the First World War the motorcar took over from the horse while planes scoured the sky along with Zeppelins; however the class system was very much intact throughout Europe & the America’s of Edwardian era which had prior watched the Communist revolution in Russia; this invariably led to the Second World War, which was in actual fact that of a continuation of the First World War interrupted by a brief respite, this then led to the Great Depression that was engineered by a number of Bankers for their own purposes in order to become the new Aristocratic elite whose growing power was based on Oil & that of its associated technologies.
In order for the Bankers & that of their Industrial associations to become the new power structure of Aristocratic elite they had to fragment the older structure so as to then take over, but there was one thing in the way of their neo-feudalism & that was Communism, which was gaining ground in Europe especially in Germany whereupon the Bankers & that of their Industrial associations funded the National Socialists, which led to the Nazi regime.
When one looks at the Symbolism utilised by the Nazi regime one will find references to the Nigredo such as the Counter-Clockwise Swastika & the Death Head Insignia of Skull & ‘Cross-Bones’ while to also have their Storm-troopers wearing black.
Although the Bankers & that of their Industrial associations thought themselves to be in charge they were & are only a few just as the Aristocratic elite is while the mass of Humanity are many whom far outnumber them who desired to be free of their chains. This subconscious desire to be free of constraints laid upon the mass of Humanity via Religion entwined with Feudal-Politics brought about the ensuing Nigredo & that of a technological leap, which birthed the present Modern Age.
In other words the Mass of Humanity had inadvertently evoked their Anti-Christ in order to set about destroying the prior feudalistic system, which enslaved them whereby the world that they had once known endured a Nigredo, which led to the Atom Bomb of arising Dragon right out of Revelations ridden by Atomic-Age Babylon.
This of course could have been brought about in an entirely different way; however the mass of humanity prior to World-War One leading to the Second World War were in the main generally illiterate, while those who could read couldn’t afford books whose lives revolved around toil & labouring for a Middle-Class that creamed off the profits for their own benefit while the mass of humanity were brainwashed by a Church in league with the Aristocratic elites whose Judaic teachings are born right out of the Bronze age whereby their mythic focus was hence that of a particular order, which sired their Anti-Christ writ large as Adolf Hitler.
One can destroy the body but one cannot destroy the Spirit of a peoples, which is ever Evolving whereby those few whom seek control over ones Spirit fear it awakening; ones Spirit is entwined with ones Intelligence & Awareness hence those who desire control over one will seek to nullify ones Intelligence & Awareness in order to thence shackle ones Spirit; failing this they will find ways & means to destroy ones body, which houses it via orchestrated Wars, or of last resort by biologically engineered Viral Plagues but usually that of tired & tested Mind-Control Tactics inducing Fear.
Those in power were taken aback by the technological leaps, which had been achieved by downtrodden humanity whereby indicating how far we can go, which frightened those whom sought Control over what had been released from out of Pandora’s box, which is ones Imagination that knows no bounds reaching towards the Stars of Space-Age & far beyond.
The Elite realised they have no Control, never did to thence perceive their own lie woven of illusory façade, which they have been attempting to prop up.
Those whom desire total Control are Repetitive in their mode of behaviour whereby when one looks back at history one discovers similarities with ones present in regards to their means of Control; those who desire Control work with what they perceive to have worked before while hoping that one does not catch onto their Repetitive act whereby for example one will find them attempting to nullify ones means to acquire Information & that of reducing educational standards by the backdoor after acquiring their required quota of technological personnel to run the Information-Age.
The next Evolutionary Leap is that of waking up to the fact that the Mass of Humanity has been Brainwashed for over Two-Thousand Years to hence be Crucified, which has allowed the Indoctrinated few with no Imagination whatsoever to have Control over us, whom are verily seeking out ways & means to keep us all asleep for without the mass of Humanity giving lip service to their ideologies they have no Power.
They can destroy ones Body but not ones Spirit of Idea evoked amidst ‘Cross-Roads’ where ones Ancestors were Crucified, whose chained thigh bones one has to now unshackle & in turn ones own Mind, for if one desires ones Age of Aquarius that is exactly what one has to do in order to release ones Past Ancestral-Self-Identity of Soul so as to reclaim ones Present winning back ones Future & by doing so one will then discover we are all connected of same Elder Source calling back from the Future!
Prior to their dark arrival the world was still very much in the grip of feudalism whether apparent or not, it was there clinging on throughout the Industrial revolution. The class-system of hierarchy clearly delineated those at the bottom of Working-Class from those at the top of Middle to Upper-Classes & those at the bottom whom were of the majority lived in dire circumstances who became slaves to the machine, while those above them benefited from their toil & labour.
It is usually seen that the Industrial Revolution started in Britain , which reached its apex during the reign of Queen Victoria under whose skirts the mass of humanity was forced into servitude & duly fed off by the aristocratic elite. If one was poor in Victorian Britain ones life was somewhat without value except as a mere cog in a machine of Empire building. There was growing unrest in Britain , throughout Europe & the Americas as well as elsewhere amidst the mass of the Working Classes who started to realise they were just slaves being ridden by their slave-drivers of Middle Class whom aspired to become the new Aristocracy of Upper-Class whereupon Communism came into being.
The growing popularity of Communist ideas put forth by Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto frightened the Middle Class & Aristocratic elites whom sought to stem its tide; this came very much to the fore when the combustion engine was invented, which ushered in the Hydrocarbon Age, whereupon the Industrial Middle Class & that of the Aristocratic elites sought to have ownership over the Oil fields of the Middle-East that led to the First-World War to erupt forth upon the world. The First World War saw the coming of mechanised warfare such as the Tank, Submarine & Aeroplane, which had never been contemplated as ever being achievable.
After the slaughter of the First World War the motorcar took over from the horse while planes scoured the sky along with Zeppelins; however the class system was very much intact throughout Europe & the America’s of Edwardian era which had prior watched the Communist revolution in Russia; this invariably led to the Second World War, which was in actual fact that of a continuation of the First World War interrupted by a brief respite, this then led to the Great Depression that was engineered by a number of Bankers for their own purposes in order to become the new Aristocratic elite whose growing power was based on Oil & that of its associated technologies.
In order for the Bankers & that of their Industrial associations to become the new power structure of Aristocratic elite they had to fragment the older structure so as to then take over, but there was one thing in the way of their neo-feudalism & that was Communism, which was gaining ground in Europe especially in Germany whereupon the Bankers & that of their Industrial associations funded the National Socialists, which led to the Nazi regime.
When one looks at the Symbolism utilised by the Nazi regime one will find references to the Nigredo such as the Counter-Clockwise Swastika & the Death Head Insignia of Skull & ‘Cross-Bones’ while to also have their Storm-troopers wearing black.
Although the Bankers & that of their Industrial associations thought themselves to be in charge they were & are only a few just as the Aristocratic elite is while the mass of Humanity are many whom far outnumber them who desired to be free of their chains. This subconscious desire to be free of constraints laid upon the mass of Humanity via Religion entwined with Feudal-Politics brought about the ensuing Nigredo & that of a technological leap, which birthed the present Modern Age.
In other words the Mass of Humanity had inadvertently evoked their Anti-Christ in order to set about destroying the prior feudalistic system, which enslaved them whereby the world that they had once known endured a Nigredo, which led to the Atom Bomb of arising Dragon right out of Revelations ridden by Atomic-Age Babylon.
This of course could have been brought about in an entirely different way; however the mass of humanity prior to World-War One leading to the Second World War were in the main generally illiterate, while those who could read couldn’t afford books whose lives revolved around toil & labouring for a Middle-Class that creamed off the profits for their own benefit while the mass of humanity were brainwashed by a Church in league with the Aristocratic elites whose Judaic teachings are born right out of the Bronze age whereby their mythic focus was hence that of a particular order, which sired their Anti-Christ writ large as Adolf Hitler.
One can destroy the body but one cannot destroy the Spirit of a peoples, which is ever Evolving whereby those few whom seek control over ones Spirit fear it awakening; ones Spirit is entwined with ones Intelligence & Awareness hence those who desire control over one will seek to nullify ones Intelligence & Awareness in order to thence shackle ones Spirit; failing this they will find ways & means to destroy ones body, which houses it via orchestrated Wars, or of last resort by biologically engineered Viral Plagues but usually that of tired & tested Mind-Control Tactics inducing Fear.
Those in power were taken aback by the technological leaps, which had been achieved by downtrodden humanity whereby indicating how far we can go, which frightened those whom sought Control over what had been released from out of Pandora’s box, which is ones Imagination that knows no bounds reaching towards the Stars of Space-Age & far beyond.
The Elite realised they have no Control, never did to thence perceive their own lie woven of illusory façade, which they have been attempting to prop up.
Those whom desire total Control are Repetitive in their mode of behaviour whereby when one looks back at history one discovers similarities with ones present in regards to their means of Control; those who desire Control work with what they perceive to have worked before while hoping that one does not catch onto their Repetitive act whereby for example one will find them attempting to nullify ones means to acquire Information & that of reducing educational standards by the backdoor after acquiring their required quota of technological personnel to run the Information-Age.
The next Evolutionary Leap is that of waking up to the fact that the Mass of Humanity has been Brainwashed for over Two-Thousand Years to hence be Crucified, which has allowed the Indoctrinated few with no Imagination whatsoever to have Control over us, whom are verily seeking out ways & means to keep us all asleep for without the mass of Humanity giving lip service to their ideologies they have no Power.
They can destroy ones Body but not ones Spirit of Idea evoked amidst ‘Cross-Roads’ where ones Ancestors were Crucified, whose chained thigh bones one has to now unshackle & in turn ones own Mind, for if one desires ones Age of Aquarius that is exactly what one has to do in order to release ones Past Ancestral-Self-Identity of Soul so as to reclaim ones Present winning back ones Future & by doing so one will then discover we are all connected of same Elder Source calling back from the Future!
There be certain Religious doctrines, which will have one believe that before the influence of their Centralist belief systems of one Judaic God or that of its patriarchal kin Allah intertwined with Fascist politics that ones ancestors lived as mere Beasts of the field sacrificing their kin & children to dark deities while copulating with other creatures non-human forever warring.
Such is not true & that of a total utter lie. When to look at ones so called Modern world there are numerous instances of a Minority of individuals who upset the apple-cart of the Majority, there are always bad apples that are rotten to the core for whatever reason & the same applies in the Past that has nothing to do with some Devil, Shaitan, Satan or anti-Christ Adversary, which is a creation of those whom seek to propagate their Centralist agenda through demonising ones Past so as to own ones Present & Future.
Morality & that of its Altruism is not owned by any Religion for it is part of Human nature, which one can even find amidst the Animal kingdom. Our kin of Apes with whom Humanity shares many similarities show Altruism, who help each other, which one can also observe amongst ones other animal kin. Altruism is part of our collective survival mechanism for without it Humanity would have never survived. When to look back at ancient Cultures around the world one to find that they had their own moral standards, which birthed great civilisations besides those in Mesopotamia, which winds back into prehistory.
An analogy: if one was to get hold of a so called hedonistic Satanist by the scruff of the neck whom only thinks of their own selfish needs at the expense of all others to then verily toss into the middle of the jungle quite alone, such would not survive for very long because there will be many a wild animal, which will see the Satanist as their McDonald Burger fodder to thence be consumed by a Lioness.
An Analogy: If one was to get hold of a Rabbi, Priest & Mullah whom fight over whether one should eat Pork or Beef by the scruff of their necks to toss into the middle of the Jungle they would soon find out that the (ASASE YE DURU) Earth was not gifted to them by their shared Patriarch of deity whereby their Centralist orientated Fascist ideologies intertwined with the Religion has no basis in actual reality, for Nature is Predatory of constant & naked Apes such as they are very vulnerable unless they work with Nature rather than against it!
BESE SAKA: True Power is wielded by those who help others, whom share their wealth; it is purely ‘Common-Sense’ but such is quite lacking amidst the so called elite whose Intelligence quota is low of the order of nought who wield their short-sighted illusory power through fear; in other words one is often ruled over by very stupid people but such are eventually overthrown to be tossed into the middle of the jungle.
AKOMA NTOSO: When people help each other their Heart Chakras become activated through the action of sharing, which then connects them together; this also applies to ones kin of other creatures whether Animal or Plant & even the planet its self for the (ASAE YE DURU) Earth is an organism. This linking of Hearts then propels those who are linked into a shared Dream of Ecological Symbiosis & Interspecies Communion for their Quantum Dream of the Collective Subconscious Mind becomes unified by the common dialogue of BOA ME NA ME MMOA WO.
Our ancestors learnt from the animals around themselves such as the Lioness & pack Wolf in order to Hunt together, which required (AKOMA NTOSO) teamwork & ( BOA ME NA ME MMOA WO) Altruism otherwise they did not survive for it be nigh impossible to bring down a Mammoth alone, or to harvest a vast field of wheat, which applies to many another situation.
Such is not true & that of a total utter lie. When to look at ones so called Modern world there are numerous instances of a Minority of individuals who upset the apple-cart of the Majority, there are always bad apples that are rotten to the core for whatever reason & the same applies in the Past that has nothing to do with some Devil, Shaitan, Satan or anti-Christ Adversary, which is a creation of those whom seek to propagate their Centralist agenda through demonising ones Past so as to own ones Present & Future.
Morality & that of its Altruism is not owned by any Religion for it is part of Human nature, which one can even find amidst the Animal kingdom. Our kin of Apes with whom Humanity shares many similarities show Altruism, who help each other, which one can also observe amongst ones other animal kin. Altruism is part of our collective survival mechanism for without it Humanity would have never survived. When to look back at ancient Cultures around the world one to find that they had their own moral standards, which birthed great civilisations besides those in Mesopotamia, which winds back into prehistory.
An analogy: if one was to get hold of a so called hedonistic Satanist by the scruff of the neck whom only thinks of their own selfish needs at the expense of all others to then verily toss into the middle of the jungle quite alone, such would not survive for very long because there will be many a wild animal, which will see the Satanist as their McDonald Burger fodder to thence be consumed by a Lioness.
An Analogy: If one was to get hold of a Rabbi, Priest & Mullah whom fight over whether one should eat Pork or Beef by the scruff of their necks to toss into the middle of the Jungle they would soon find out that the (ASASE YE DURU) Earth was not gifted to them by their shared Patriarch of deity whereby their Centralist orientated Fascist ideologies intertwined with the Religion has no basis in actual reality, for Nature is Predatory of constant & naked Apes such as they are very vulnerable unless they work with Nature rather than against it!
BESE SAKA: True Power is wielded by those who help others, whom share their wealth; it is purely ‘Common-Sense’ but such is quite lacking amidst the so called elite whose Intelligence quota is low of the order of nought who wield their short-sighted illusory power through fear; in other words one is often ruled over by very stupid people but such are eventually overthrown to be tossed into the middle of the jungle.
AKOMA NTOSO: When people help each other their Heart Chakras become activated through the action of sharing, which then connects them together; this also applies to ones kin of other creatures whether Animal or Plant & even the planet its self for the (ASAE YE DURU) Earth is an organism. This linking of Hearts then propels those who are linked into a shared Dream of Ecological Symbiosis & Interspecies Communion for their Quantum Dream of the Collective Subconscious Mind becomes unified by the common dialogue of BOA ME NA ME MMOA WO.
Our ancestors learnt from the animals around themselves such as the Lioness & pack Wolf in order to Hunt together, which required (AKOMA NTOSO) teamwork & ( BOA ME NA ME MMOA WO) Altruism otherwise they did not survive for it be nigh impossible to bring down a Mammoth alone, or to harvest a vast field of wheat, which applies to many another situation.
The Fern is an ancient plant, which occupied the Earth long before the Dinosaurs ever trod soil at a time when an Amphibious Fish decided to take the evolutionary leap. The Carboniferous forests of the Earth provided a high oxygen atmosphere, which aided other life-forms to come into eventual being & over vast stretches of time one such creature eventually evolved into Humanity. Numerous Shamanic cultures are well aware of their ancient ancestors, many of which are not directly Human but interlinked by Evolutionary connection whereby they show due respect for their Elders, one of whom is the (AYA) Plants for they owned the world long ago, which led to the first occupation of the land by the (ANANSE NTONTAN) Insects prior to the (DENKYEM) Amphibians. Without the first plants of (AYA) Ferns whose long Carboniferous stretch of occupying the Earth led to the Evolutionary arrival of other Life-Forms one would not have ones present Hydrocarbon Age of mere blip in the greater scheme of things for it is the black blood of the (AYA) Plants one utilises in ones gas guzzling Car & for everything else one has come to presently know, whereupon to perceive ones so called Modern Civilisation survives because it feeds off the blood of ones Dead ancestors, but such does not last forever.
When one accesses self induced Trance or Lucid Dreams one becomes ‘Amphibious’ of Consciousness for the Quantum Dreaming realm is often perceived by Shamanic practitioners as being associated with ‘Water’ while ones waking world is that of ‘Land,’ whereby as an Adept of Trance & Dreaming one is Amphibious of awareness hence a ‘Crocodile;’ other cultures across the globe whose orientation is Shamanic often equate Amphibious creatures with their Shamans to symbolise as Reptiles & Amphibians such as Snakes, Serpents, Frogs, Toads, Amphibious Fish, let alone that of Dragons.
For example, in the land of the Chinese Dragon one had the ancient symbol of the 'Snake & Tortoise,' that symbolised a Shaman whose understanding led to the Martial arts of Wu-Shu, which essentially means 'Snake & Tortoise.'
The symbol of an Amphibian has a physiological correlate with ones Reptilian-Brain-Stem, which controls ones very Awareness & depths of Dream-states as well as Trance ingress let alone ones Survival Adaptability. The Amphibian is also associated with ones Pineal-Gland, situated near the back of ones head amidst the Mammalian Cerebellum Hemispheres just above ones Reptilian Brain-Stem, which is often referred to as the, 'Third-Eye,' which in fact it is, for the Pineal-Gland is the vestigial eye of ones ‘Amphibious’ forebears of most ancient ancestors to have first walked the Land out of the Waters whom eventually evolved into Dinosaurs; one of the very few Dinosaurs, which to have survived virtually unchanged to the present day is the Crocodile.
The Dogon of Africa called their Amphibious ancestor & culture Hero Nommo whom is possibly the same as the Babylonian Oannes; they are described as living in the 'Water' as well as upon 'Land' & to be terrifying to look upon. When a Shaman who is Amphibious of awareness accesses Trance, the Shaman is terrifying to look upon for they often go into shaking fits, near uncontrollable frenzies or to fall into a stupor looking as if they are dead; Nommo & Onnes refer to Shaman Adepts whose symbol was that of an amphibious Fish, while elsewhere their symbol was that of the Snake, Tortoise, Serpent, Frog, Toad, Lizard, Reptile, Dragon or Crocodile.
For example, in the land of the Chinese Dragon one had the ancient symbol of the 'Snake & Tortoise,' that symbolised a Shaman whose understanding led to the Martial arts of Wu-Shu, which essentially means 'Snake & Tortoise.'
The symbol of an Amphibian has a physiological correlate with ones Reptilian-Brain-Stem, which controls ones very Awareness & depths of Dream-states as well as Trance ingress let alone ones Survival Adaptability. The Amphibian is also associated with ones Pineal-Gland, situated near the back of ones head amidst the Mammalian Cerebellum Hemispheres just above ones Reptilian Brain-Stem, which is often referred to as the, 'Third-Eye,' which in fact it is, for the Pineal-Gland is the vestigial eye of ones ‘Amphibious’ forebears of most ancient ancestors to have first walked the Land out of the Waters whom eventually evolved into Dinosaurs; one of the very few Dinosaurs, which to have survived virtually unchanged to the present day is the Crocodile.
The Dogon of Africa called their Amphibious ancestor & culture Hero Nommo whom is possibly the same as the Babylonian Oannes; they are described as living in the 'Water' as well as upon 'Land' & to be terrifying to look upon. When a Shaman who is Amphibious of awareness accesses Trance, the Shaman is terrifying to look upon for they often go into shaking fits, near uncontrollable frenzies or to fall into a stupor looking as if they are dead; Nommo & Onnes refer to Shaman Adepts whose symbol was that of an amphibious Fish, while elsewhere their symbol was that of the Snake, Tortoise, Serpent, Frog, Toad, Lizard, Reptile, Dragon or Crocodile.
The Heart area of ones Chest is where the main Nerve fibres are of ones Central-Nervous-System, which determines what one Tunes into of an experiential reality while all other extraneous information, which is not important to ones direct survival is filtered out. The Mongolian Kams/Shamans perceive the Heart area as being where one stores ones 'Hiimori', Wind-Horse, which is ones ability to Access Trance, whereby one is enabled to ride ones Inner Spirit-Horse into other realities. Muhammad is said to have had his Heart opened up by an Angel before ascending through Seven (Chakra) Heavens while riding a (Spirit-Horse) Buraq; Christ is also said to have had his side pierced by a Spear when crucified, which is also a reference to his Heart area of ‘Chakra’ being activated. The Norse/Saxon Shamanic deity Odin/Woden pierced his own side with his Spear as a ‘Self-Sacrifice’ whereupon to then hang himself into Trance upon the World-Tree Yggdrassill & while doing so he then was able to ride his Eight-Legged-Mare Sleipnir of Wind-Horse into other Alternate-Realities.
The Writer Carlos Castaneda mentioned in his books about the Moving-Assemblage-Point (M.A.P) supposedly communicated by the Toltec Sorcerer Don Juan Matus, which is situated upon the Right-Hand-Side of ones Heart (Tonal) area of chest that determines ones experience of Reality, which can be moved by utilising certain Shamanic techniques into the Left-hand-Side of Awareness called the 'Nagual' whereby enabling one to access other realities; the M.A.P is in turn associated with the Great-Light-Assemblage point (G.L.A.P) situated in ones Navel area of ‘STOMACH’, which connects one to all existence.
Castaneda’s description of the G.L.A.P foreshadowed ‘String-Theory’, which in turn is very much associated with ‘Multiverse-Theory;’ however, (Yggdrassill) Multiverse Theory appears to be no longer theory but that of a fact due to the findings of a group of scientists situated in Cambridge who discovered an arcane equation back in 2008 that proves we are living in a Multiverse of innumerable Parallel Universes in which exists Alternate Worlds that the Shamans have been communicating about throughout human history as well as to have personally experienced such as a reality by Tuning their Nervous Systems into other Worlds via their (Akoma) Heart Chakras!
The Writer Carlos Castaneda mentioned in his books about the Moving-Assemblage-Point (M.A.P) supposedly communicated by the Toltec Sorcerer Don Juan Matus, which is situated upon the Right-Hand-Side of ones Heart (Tonal) area of chest that determines ones experience of Reality, which can be moved by utilising certain Shamanic techniques into the Left-hand-Side of Awareness called the 'Nagual' whereby enabling one to access other realities; the M.A.P is in turn associated with the Great-Light-Assemblage point (G.L.A.P) situated in ones Navel area of ‘STOMACH’, which connects one to all existence.
Castaneda’s description of the G.L.A.P foreshadowed ‘String-Theory’, which in turn is very much associated with ‘Multiverse-Theory;’ however, (Yggdrassill) Multiverse Theory appears to be no longer theory but that of a fact due to the findings of a group of scientists situated in Cambridge who discovered an arcane equation back in 2008 that proves we are living in a Multiverse of innumerable Parallel Universes in which exists Alternate Worlds that the Shamans have been communicating about throughout human history as well as to have personally experienced such as a reality by Tuning their Nervous Systems into other Worlds via their (Akoma) Heart Chakras!
Wednesday, 11 March 2009

"Chief of the adinkra symbols"
symbol of greatness, charisma and leadership
This symbol is said to have played an inspiring role in the designing of other symbols. it signifies the importance of playing a leadership role.
The description above of the traditional meaning of the symbol is from
Adinkra Symbols of West Africa
Three Circles, Three Levels of Existence, So Above, So Below; while at the midst, So Internal, So External. ‘Three’ tiers of cosmology one to find in numerous other Metaphysic systems around the world, most especially in Shamanistic systems, which leads to multiples of ‘Three’ becoming as ‘Nine’ Worlds & beyond. The Bardo Thodal, Tibetan Book of the Dead speaks of Seven Visionary states & a Primary & Secondary clear ‘Light’, which one can equate to Nine states of being & in turn to thence associate with the Norse, Nine Worlds of Yggdrassill.
The Mamas of the Colombian Kogi communicate about Nine Earths interpenetrated by a Cosmic Spindle, which isn’t so dissimilar to Yggdrassill, which also has ‘Three’ tiers of Middle-World, Upper-World & Lower-World. In Mesopotamian myth one has the deity of EL whom sat upon his cosmic Mountain, who later became ones YHVH, however EL was originally unified with ‘Three’ Goddesses whom symbolised the ‘Three’ Circles-levels of existence who were called Astarte, Queen of Heaven/Upper-World, Anat, Lady of the Mountain/Middle-World & Athirat, Queen of the Waters/Lower-World.
Astarte was later transformed into a Male Demon Astaroth to thence become demonised by the Patriarchal Priesthood, which attempted to eliminate the Shamanic cosmology; Astarte was also known by the name of Allat by the Arabs who later transformed her into the Islamic Masculine Allah.
In the Norse myths one to find Three Valkyries who were at the beginning of things before the Gods & Humanity whom represent the ‘Three’ levels/Circles of existence, which thence leads to their multiple of Nine going fractal of 72 & 144 along with their innumerable Legions; they are all interlinked by the Multiverse-World-Tree of Yggdrassill (Irminsul/Peristyle) upon which the Shaman Odin/Woden hangs into Trance so as to access the Valkyrie Yoni/Wormholes, which lead into Parallel Disir Womb/Universes & thereby that of Alternate-Worlds/Eggs.
When accessing an Alternate Reality of Egg to Tune into via the Quantum Dream, which the Kogi called their feminine Aluna one has the Kundalini-Shakti rush, which is when the Mitochondria to that of ones Nervous-System attunes its self to incoming information. The Kundalini rush was associated with the Lightening Spears of (AUM) Trident wielded by the Valkyries whom carried one into an Alternate Reality whereby the reasoning why the Valkyries were depicted riding horses & each having a ‘Rune’ Name of Mantra & associated Mandala Symbol of evocation, which determines the particular Alternate Reality one ‘Tunes’ into. The Horse symbolism can also be equated with a ‘Flying-Disk’ of Shield, for a chosen Valkyrie protects one as one attains internal ingress into the Quantum Dream. The initial phase is that of Evoking a Valkyrie who will then at a Key-Time visit one via a Lucid Dream whereby one will then understand why the Valkyries were called the ‘Choosers of the Slain’ for one has to first become as a Spirit in order to access their Quantum reality of the Dream, hence one Slays ones own Ego of Self-Sacrifice (Chod) upon whom the Valkyrie (Dakini/Khadomah) feasts upon of released Emotive-Charge, which will then allow ones true Self to unfold for one then becomes Odin/Woden of Ecstasy/Light-Master & Fire-King Odqan at the midst of ‘Three (Female) Circles’ Thrice Born Trismegestus knowing of the Seven (Chakra) Seals to open & 'Nine-Gates' to know.
The Circles Ouroboros; the Female Cyclic of Cycles pointing to Eternal Recurrence.


"the enemy will stew in his own juice"
symbol of jealousy and envy
The description above of the traditional meaning of the symbol is from
Adinkra Symbols of West Africa
I guess it could be one way to turn back the tide HEYOKA style, which is the way I work, for what I have communicated about UFO’s being flown around by ones Mind & that of Mediumistic Female Mediums having multiple Orgasms can be merged so as to give a whole new slant on what the J-Rod Greys are of Burisch Mythology, which of course brings one to an all Female Goetia & that of Angelic Dakini’s from out of the Future.
As an aside, technology has progressed at an amazing rate to such an extent that one now has a Cybernetic interface, which does allow a Pilot to fly a plane with their Mind alone to hence become singular of organism, while other technologies are still hidden!
Pendant available for sale from

"No one should bite the other"
symbol of peace and harmony
This symbol cautions against provocation and strife. The image is based on two fish biting each other tails.
The description above of the traditional meaning of the symbol is from
Adinklra Symbols of West Africa
The reasoning for mentioning the Vril Society in my previous letter, which some have tied in with the pre-War German Thule Society that is said to have spawned the National Socialist Nazi Party is because there is a growing Mythology intertwined with the modern Myth of the UFO & in turn fuelling White-Supremacist (FOFO) sentiments, which are also aligned with a Right-Wing-Christian propaganda.
The Vril Society is intriguing due to its all Female slant, which one can see growing in popularity should it ever become far more organised; its Mythology is tentative & fragmented of facts interwoven with pure fiction put out as History, which one could nullify as to its negative channelling by certain others by doing some Myth making of ones own, for emotively charged Myths do have an affect upon the Collective Subconscious especially in regards to those whom no longer have an Ancestral-Self-Identity to remember, hence the growing modern Myth of the UFO.
There is some mention that Admiral Canaris was involved with the Vril Society via one of its principle members going by the name of Sigrun who was a Female Pilot somewhat like Hannah Reitsch. Admiral Canaris was very much against the Nazi regime whereby he attempted to bring about its downfall from the inside & is now seen as a Hero for he helped many Jewish citizens escape as well as organising assassination attempts on Hitler. His possible involvement with the Vril Society was perhaps due their supposed involvement in researching new technologies, whence Admiral Canaris could then communicate any technological advances to his British agent contacts from out of Gibraltar.
Whether this indeed the case one could conjecture about until the cows come home or pigs to fly; what is far more important is the 'Myth'. One could of course ignore it all, but as Carl Jung to say if one buries the Shadow it only erupts into manifestation somewhere else. At one time the Swastika was a Sacred symbol now made maligned along with whatever has survived of the ancient European myths, which Christian propaganda indicates had a hand in instigating the Holocaust via Occult perspectives, which is in fact a total utter lie. The Holocaust was the direct consequence of the growing Christian hatred of Jews whom they believed were the direct cause of their founders demise at the hands of Judas, this in turn fed into a White Supremacist perspective of seeing themselves as the Chosen Race of their Judaeo-Christian deity, which the Hebrews claimed themselves to be; the Nazi’s were in fact wannabe Hebrews whose politics was primarily Romano-Christian!
As for the Nazi utilisation of Pagan symbols, which were very popular at the time they were warped all out of shape to fit in with a Wagnarian racialist mystique somewhat inspired by Madame Blavatsky’s Root-Races.
The wound is still there, which afflicts the Western psyche; as for healing it, the Vril Society of all Female order, whether real or not could offer a way to do so before it becomes a White-Supremacist cog Wheel, which in its self is primarily Patriarchal of orientation. Art may offer a means so as to offset this for there are images of the Vril female ‘Cat-Walk Model’ members dotted around the internet, which appear to be doctored; lets say for example one was to make a film, perhaps one could have the actresses as being all Jewish of descent even though depicted as being German whose dialogue is Feminist of orientation before Feminism took off during the coming Sixties. One could even have this all Female Metaphysic Society being in contact with other such society’s whose members are Not all White Caucasian, but also African, Japanese, Aboriginal Australian, Chinese, Native American, Maori, Inuit etc, etc & all unified by some Mediumistic messages from out of the Future concerning an all Female Third-Type Galactic Civilisation, which has Time-Travel capability!
Sounds like a Science-Fiction movie doesn’t it; one can imagine how such would affect the Male of the Species when to see Angelina Jolie & Rachel Weisz Cat-Walk walking out of a Vimana Vril flying Disk wearing spray on Dakini sliver uniforms whose pan-global Metaphysic doctrine is that of the Tantric Yogini Valkyrie, which causes the 'Earth to Stand Still'.

"that which removes bad luck"
symbol of good furtune and sanctity
The description above of the traditional meaning of the symbol is from
Adinkra Symbols of West Africa
The Cross of Four Quarters direction & that of the Solar Cross amidst the Zodiac is an ancient Pagan Symbol whose symbol was later appropriated by Christianity for their own very particular usage. The Christian’s belief that Judas was the Christ killer invariably led to their hatred of all Jews, although if he had not done what he did of Ritualistic betrayal then the Christians wouldn’t have had their Sacrificial Sol-Invictus Sun God to thence cannibalistically partake of his Blood & Flesh of Holy Communion when the season of Eostre was upon them.
The Cross has a particular form of expression in Germany whose Teutonic Knights did go forth Crusading in the Holy land of fixation, which the Roman Emperor Constantine of first Pope had originally orchestrated of political focus. Many of the early Popes of Rome were of Germanic descent due to the fact that Constantine had conscripted many of the Germanic tribes into his legions under his bind-Rune of a Chi-Rho who later acquired political influence in Rome but then their original deity hanging in a Tree had been transformed into a crucified God hanging upon a Cross. One such Germanic tribe called the Vandals held sway over North Africa for a time, which the Roman’s originally had control over that was won from Carthage, while prior one had the ancient Greeks & far later that of the Dutch. North Africa was very much a Cross-Cultural mix of peoples whom ranged far & wide of four quarter origin where beliefs & philosophies did merge around the compass points of a Cross.
The Pagan Germanic tribes did not in the main perceive the Sun as being Masculine of quality, which one to find of similar perception amidst other peoples of Northern European origin going unto Northern-Central-Asia & Siberia when nearing the North-Pole. The ‘Sun-Cross’ was aligned with the Clockwise movement of the observed Sun’s movement through the sky hence one has the ‘Clockwise Swastika’ while the ‘Anti-Clockwise Swastika’ was associated with the Moon, which some of the Germanic tribes perceived as being Masculine, this perception however changed over time when coming into contact with other peoples from far hotter climates.
In Hinduism one has the Solar Cross of Swastika associated with the Pingala Nerve Channel while one has the Luna Cross Swastika being aligned with the Ida Nerve Channel when both ‘Swastika’s’ are superimposed over each other one has a Circle divided into four parts of Cross representing the Sushmna; if however the Swastikas are spinning at an angle & thence superimposed one has and Eight quartered Circle of Wheel & Eight-Legged-Mare. Both Crosses & Swastika’s of Sun & Moon are very much tied up with the concept of Prana, which is also known by other names such as the African Od, Chi, Mana, Orgone energy, Odic force as well as by numerous other names & even Edward Bulwer Lytton’s description of Vril.
The pre-war Vril Society of Germany is quite interesting for it has been tied up with extraterrestrial contact with an intelligence emanating from the star system of Taurus, more specifically Aldebaran via Mediumistic contacts, which is said to have led to the construction of a (Vimana) UFO; whether this is indeed the case, it has forged an emerging Mythology.
The Vril Society is described as being an all Female group of Mediums, not a man in sight apart from that of outside contacts, but such were not privy to their inner feminine sanctum. The symbol of the Vril society has led to much conjecture but when one keeps in mind the Runes one will find it is made of two Runes combined being that of the 6th Rune Cen/Torch-Fire & the 21st Rune Laguz/Water, which refers to the life-force of inner Liquid-Fire, Prana to be verily masked by the term Vril; however, this Fire-Water is specifically aligned with the Menstrual Blood of the Mother hence that of an all Female order of Yogini’s/Dakini’s. The two Runes when combined of number & reduced down to a single digit points to the 9th Hagal Rune of Crystalline Dodecahdron Egg.
The fixation on Aldebaran & that of Taurus is more to do with the (MMERE DANE) ZODIAC Ages, whereby one has the age of Taurus in the far distant Past & that of a Future to come roughly approximating 20,000yrs from now. Should one have a Medium whom can successfully access Future information concerning the Technology of a Zodiac Age one can gather what such information was used for, such as creating a spinning disk of superimposed Swastika’s via its mediumistic operator!
Yogini’s were well know for their control over their own Orgasms to make multiple of number ongoing so as to access an ecstatic state whereby then to not only accumulate Prana (Vril) in order to store within their own bodies but also to direct; if one had a Medium of a Yogini accessing Future information concerning a Zodiac Age technology, one perhaps may just find of imaginative conjecture that said technology was rather exotic for it could only be operated by a Dakini having multiple Orgasms, which in turn was generated by said technology to thence warp the fabric of Space-Time. Perhaps said Orgasm device is similar to the ‘Chair/Throne,’ which is mentioned in Peter Moon’s books ‘The Montauk Project.’ May be it explains why UFO’s are described as making the AUM Sound of a ‘Queen Bee’, which makes ones body ‘Vibrate’ whereupon deducing how such would affect a Female who if Mediumistic of nature could then control her induced Orgasm in order to then Quantum Phase-Shift disappear of Philidelphia Experiment into another Alternate-Reality next door.
A Vimana piloted by a Dakini whom the Vril Society no doubt perceived as a Yogini Valkyrie whose technology was derived from out of the Future to then later be acquired by Project Paperclip; perhaps this explains why so many of them crash when hitting conflicting Radar Vibrations, which to thence interfere with their Orgasmic state to be verily picked up & shipped off to Dreamland area 51 in secret. This is all imaginative conjecture of course, but then one did have Nikola Tesla experiencing Mediumistic flashes of insight into strange technologies, which revolutionised a Zodiac Age; however some of his insights were not taken any further due to their rather exotic ‘Free-Energy’ power systems.
The Zodiac Ages are very much tied up with the ‘Cross,’ whose bio-molecular correlate appears to be the Mitochondria, which determines the (Prana/Vril) Energy output (Liquid-Fire/Bio-Photon) of each & every one of ones Cells at Key-Times that has onboard Microtubule mini-Quantum computers parallel processing information of Alternate Possibilities & in turn generating ones Consciousness.
The Mitochondrial DNA is conjectured to be communing with other DNA pertaining to other organisms outside of ones body via a 'Bio-Photon' weave (ANANSE NTONTAN) of 'Web', which the ancient Anglo-Saxons called the 'Web of Wyrd', whereby when certain Key-Times unfold of Eternal Recurrence things do happen at a (NKONSONKONSON) Collective Level of Hundredth Monkey Affect but then the (ASASE YE DURU) Earth (Dodecahrdon) is her self an (Crystalline) Organism whose Changes are Communicated via the (Photon) Web, which connects as all..

"sword of war "
symbol of courage, valor, and heroism
The crossed swords were a popular motif in the heraldic shields of many former Akan states. In addition to recognizing courage and valor, the swords can represent legitimate state authority.
The description above of the traditional meaning of the symbol is from
Adinkra Symbols of West Africa
Many to know that Warriors held the Lion in high esteem in order to empower their Martial prowess, but those peoples who lived near prides of Lions knew that it wasn’t the ‘Y’ Chromosome Male Lion of mane whom was the fiercest but that of the ‘X’ Chromosome of ‘Crossed-Swords’ LIONESS who was Feared the most of all. It was the Lioness who orchestrated the hunt hunting in packs & she the stronger while her Male counterpart often lay under a tree. Warriors who lived near to Lions often called them selves the ‘Sons of the Lioness’ while to go off Hunting or to War for their females whom had hunted down the strongest among them.
The human Female is a consummate Predator whom Stalks down those Males who can provide all her material benefits from that of one time Mammoth meat to that of taking her to a fancy Restaurant within ones flashy gas guzzling Car, which of course the Male has to fight for in order to obtain, which invariably leads to all out War. Males seek power & Influence in order to impress the Females in order to then spread their Genes, just ask Chinngis Khan, he will inform one via his many progeny.
Women often speak of Love but it is in fact that of a blind masking their Genetic Imperative of a Sekhmet Lioness ridden by an Ishtar whom not only represents Sex but also War.
'Adversity is the 'Mother' of all Invention', one merely has to look back at Two-World-Wars to see such clearly, which Birthed ones Modern world of technological wonders & horrors from that of a Mushroom cloud of Dragon ridden by a Whore of Babylon arising over white sands to hit Hiroshima & Nagasaki whose power now supplies many a city, or that of Microwave weapons leading to Microwave ovens, which are the beloved tools of the Lioness cooking grub for ones own progeny; one then to snore under a tree to thence realise that it be the Lioness who is the driving force behind Evolution whose ‘Crossed-Swords’ represent Sex & War for behind every Great Man there be a Woman whom be his Isis throne of Shakti; without his Lioness he be no God at all hence losing his mane.
Should a woman say otherwise to blame Man for Wars of mass slaughter & endless Conflict she only to say so in order to get the Male to Fight over her through Words, for the Pen be mightier than the Sword so they Say, whence to find that the Lioness does love to argue of Sword tongue & the reason why Males have such short life-spans while the Females live on longer perpetually Warring wielding their ‘Crossed-Swords!’

The description above of the trasditional meaning of thre symbol is from
Adinkra Symbols of West Aafrica
The ‘Y’ Chromosome of our Forefather’s Spirit originally Split off from the Female ‘X’ Chromosome back within the primordial mists of Time. Female Geneticists argue that the ‘Y’ Chromosome will eventually become redundant over time since it is losing Genes at a remarkable rate while the Male Geneticists argue that the ‘Y’ Chromosome is self sustaining, hence our ‘Y’ Chromosome will not become extinct in Future & what is more the Male has an extra portion of the Brain, which a Female does not have; however the Male Neurologists have not as yet determined what this extra portion of the Male Brain is used for; if however the Male Neurologists ever encounter a Time-Travelling Dakini from out of the Future of an all Female Galactic civilisation then she might relate that the extra portion of the Male brain is that of a Genetically Engineered ‘Tag,’ via which the Dakini’s can zero in on in order to abduct certain Males into their Dimension so as to conduct further genetic experimentation upon just as Eve had done with Adam whereby Evolving him from Twenty-Four Chromosomes to Twenty-Three! The Number Twenty-Three is a curious Beast, which does crop as many a Synchronicity, which Robert Anton Wilson to have noted in his book ‘Cosmic-Trigger’ of 'Yod' War-Horn!

"the leg of a hen"
symbol of nurturing and discipline
The full name of this symbol translates to "The hen treads on her chicks, but she does not kill them." This represents the ideal nature of parents, being both protective and corrective. An exhortation to nurture children, but a warning not to pamper them.
The description above of the traditional meaning of the symbol is from
Adinkra Symbols of West Africa
The image is from
ArtIvity:The Art Haven
The Hen of Mitochondria has Microtubules that are conjectured to be onboard mini-Quantum Computers parallel processing information from Alternate Possibilities/Realities, which generates ones Consciousness. The Mitochondria determines the Energy output of each & every Cell, which leads one to the experience of the arousal of the (Num) Kundalini-Shakti.


"return and get it"
symbol of importance of learning from the past.
Description of the traditional meaning of the symbol is from
Adinkra Symbols of West Africa
first image from
Adinkra Symbols of West Africa
Second image from
The Daemons represent ones PAST of Ancestral-Self-Identity, while the Angeoi symbolise ones FUTURE. If one is led to ‘Demonise’ ones own Ancestral-Self-Identity, one will find an Aversion Therapy Technique at work utilised by a Cult in order to eradicate ones Ancestral-Self-Identity whereby the Cult to then have Control over ones PRESENT. The Angeloi one will be led to focus upon of Four Angels squared of quarters will be found to have particular ‘Names’ of Evocation, which point towards the midst of a FUTURE not ones own but that of another to Evoke, which one is inadvertently empowering into Evoked Manifestation, and all because one had been led to Demonise ones own PAST.
The Mitochondria is passed down from the Mother to her Children from whose Mitochondrial DNA the Bio-photon emanates of laser which suffuses ones Dreams of excited Electrons is the interface between Energy & Matter. The Mitochondria is the vehicle of Dodecahedron whose angles point to the 144 Daemons & Angeloi all Feminine of Inorganic Intelligence, which is the Interference Pattern betwixt innumerable PAST possibilities & FUTURE potential generating ones eternal PRESENT of existence within one of many Alternate realities of Multiverse.
It is a case of Tuning into a FUTURE by focusing upon a Station of a PAST; should one find many Minds focusing upon a PAST not theirs then the FUTURE is not theirs either let alone that of their PRESENT, hence all Brainwashed they verily be & totally unaware of what they are doing.
If one requires Proof, perhaps this will wet ones appetite for the time being:
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